Athena Magnolia C3 (Butler) DOB: 5/1/2021

Knockout heifer from Radio and Calypso. The genetics are there and so is the color. This is exactly what we were hoping for when we purchased Calypso Rose for Radio`s herd. She will be around for a while.

Price: N/A | Status: OF_RECORD

Sire's Pedigree


Radio R3

Trinity R3

Concho 24

Carmon SD BR3
Magnolia`s Ruby
Brown Bomber 126
Magnolia Blossom 161

Dam's Pedigree


RVR Calypso Rose

Concho 24

VJ Nestor

Jackie Lynn 171
Fawnie Dode RK86
Dode Graves FM962
K Trina Graves


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